Suleyman Celik

All Turkey's peopleDiyarbakırSuleyman Celik

Main contact data Suleyman Celik: address, phone, fax, email, website

Suleyman Celik

Sex: Male

Region: Diyarbakir Yenisehir

Address: Diyarbakir, Baglar, Seyh samil mah., 652. sokak 9 Diyarbakir, Baglar, Seyh samil mah., 652. sokak 9

Telephone: +90 (556) 9854108 +90 (556) 9854108

Fax: +90 (540) 4544889 +90 (540) 4544889

E-Mail: n/a


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Personal data, origin of Suleyman Celik

Full name: Suleyman Celik
National Identifier: 4372335460
Date of birth: 1/1/1974
City of origin: Diyarbakir
Mother first name: Saliha
Father first name: Abdurrahman


Family status: Love
Political preferences: Monarchical
The main thing in people: Courage and perseverance
The main thing in life: Family and Children
Attitude to smoking: Neutral
Attitude to alcohol: Neutral
Worldview: Judaism

Work in Turkey: open vacancies, career, training, practice

Contact box of Suleyman Celik in popular social networks

Suleyman Celik in Facebook, LinkedIn. Leave a message for Suleyman Celik

Location Suleyman Celik on the Google Maps. Address and contact Suleyman Celik

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It is a profile of Suleyman Celik on TRP. This person lives in Diyarbakir Yenisehir, Turkey and was born 1/1/1974 in Diyarbakir. We are able to know an origin of surname Suleyman Celik, it is a very popular surname among people of Diyarbakir Yenisehir and take itself beginning a lot years ago. We can see a location of Suleyman Celik on the map. For more information, visit the site or send request to contacts, we can use as well as contact box. Its contact method and full information is above.

Information about Suleyman Celik, Diyarbakir Yenisehir 2024: phone, address Suleyman Celik, email, website, origin and job, contacts Suleyman Celik. How to contact with Suleyman Celik and find this person